3. Next, check to see that the hand-piece is securely attached to the rubber casing on the other end. There should be no space or flexibility between the hand-piece and the casing. If there is any play, see how to check the connection between the casing and the hand-piece in REPLACING THE CASING BELOW. It should look like this:

4. If all parts are OK, lubricate the new shaft with grease and then put it into the casing. Make sure it is in all the way (turning the cable end should turn the scaling spindle). Reattach the casing to the motor with the 2 bolts. Test. You are done.
1. If the spindle is not turning properly and you have checked the metal shaft, you should check the connection between the hand-piece and the casing as shown below. If that does not fix the problem, the casing should be replaced.
To replace the casing, remove the 2 bolts that connect the casing to the motor. Remove the drive shaft from the casing.
2. Next, remove the hand-piece from the casing. To do that, you will have to remove the Reinforcing Rubber end piece.
a. Spray some WD-40 on the casing just below the rubber end piece. It will not slide otherwise.

b. Use a dull knife to pry the upper edge of the Reinforcing Rubber end piece off the raised ring on the hand piece, then slide it down the casing so that you can see where the casing attaches to the hand piece.

c. If any casing threads are showing (as shown below) it needs to be tightened. Screw the nut down onto the casing as far as it will go by hand. Then screw the hand piece down. Tighten the nut with a wrench.

d. It should look like this, with the nut tight on the casing and the hand piece tight on the nut. If this was loose and the casing otherwise looks OK, you may not have to replace the casing. If so, put in the new lubricated drive shaft, test by hand to see if turning the shaft turns your spindle, and if it does, reattach. If not, continue on with replacing the casing.

e. Slide the Reinforcing Rubber end piece back onto the hand-piece by twisting it to slide over the raised ridge. It should look like this when properly done.

3. Next, remove the plastic base. You will need circlip pliers to remove the circlip. Be careful not to stretch the circlip out too far or it will break. (It is a 12mm circlip, part 54). Remove the plastic base from the casing.
